Acoustic recordings

Auteur(s) White, Jack (Interprète) (Chant)
Titre(s) Acoustic recordings : 1998-2016 / Jack White.
Editeur(s) Wagram (distrib.), 2016.
Contient Sugar never tasted so good. - Apple blossom, remixed. - I'm bound to pack it up, remixed. - Hotel Yorba. - We're going to be friends. - You've got her in your pocket. - Well it's true that we love one another. - Never far away. - Forever for her, is over for me. - White moon. - As ugly as I seem. - City lightsn previously unreleased White Stripes track. - Honey, we can't afford to look this cheap. - Effect and cause. - Love is the truth, acoustic mix. - Top yourself, bluegrass version. - Carolina drama, acoustic mix. - Love interruption. - On and on and on. - Machine gun silhouette, acoustic mix. - Blunderbuss. - Hip, eponymous poor boy, alternative mix. - I guess I should go to sleep, alternative mix. - Just one drink, acoustic mix. - Entitlement. - Want and able.
Résumé Jack White acoustic recordings 1998-2016 retrace la carrière musicale de Jack White en 26 titres acoustiques : des titres d'albums, des faces B, des versions alternatives et des inédits, extraits de ses albums en solo ou en groupe avec The White Stripes ou The Raconteurs.
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