Love I obey

Auteur(s) Standley, Rosemary (Interprète) (Chant) ;Helstroffer, Bruno (Interprète) (Guitare) (Théorbe) ;Geiger, Elisabeth (Interprète) (Orgues) (Clavecin) ;Bauer, Martin (Interprète) (Violes) ;Godard, Michel (Interprète) (Cornet Bugle) (Serpent) ;Helstroffer's Band (Interprète) (Ens. vocal) (Ens. instrumental) ;Lawes, William (Compositeur) ;Henri VIII (Compositeur) ;Boleyn, Ann (Compositeur) ;Campion, Thomas (Compositeur) ;Wilson, John (Compositeur) ;Purcell, Henry (Compositeur)
Titre(s) Love I obey / Rosemary Standley, Bruno Helstroffer, Elisabeth Geiger, Martin Bauer, Michel Godard ; William Lawes, Henri VIII, Ann Boleyn, Thomas Campion.
Editeur(s) Outhere, 2015.
Contient Love I obey, William Lawes. - Bruton town, story of Isabella and the pot of Basil, Boccacio, adapté de l'oeuvre de Cecil J. Sharp. - Geordie, american mountain song, from Englo-Irish traditional folk. - Wagoner's lad, tragic love ballad. - Pastime, Henri VIII. - O deathe, Tuor-era song, attributed to Anne Boleyn, 1536. - I once loved a lass, scottish ballad, original text from "The forlorn lover". - What if a day, attributed to Thomas Campion. - Jack hall, somerset folk song. - I love a lasse, John Wilson. - Hush you bye, from the work of Alan Lomax. - Echoes - A hymn to the evening, poem by Phillis Wheatley. - An evening hymn, Henry Purcell. - Poor wayfaring stranger, folksong from early 19th century.
Genre Folk acoustique;
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